Liszt – A Listener's Guide
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Liszt – A Listener's Guide

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Unlocking the Masters Series
Series: Unlocking the Masters
Publisher: Amadeus Press
Format: Softcover with CD
Composer: Franz Liszt
Author: John Bell Young

Composer, bon vivant, pianist, teacher, superstar showman, raconteur, writer, entrepreneur, ladies\' man, philanthropist, and priest, Franz Liszt is widely viewed today not only as a great composer, but also as the greatest pianist of the 19th century. Yet his enormous body of piano music, by turns poetic, glittering, acrobatic, prophetic, profound, and haunting, failed to command the acclaim it deserved in his lifetime. In Liszt, John Bell Young takes a close look at this opulent music, illuminating its many facets and challenges from a pianist\'s engaged perspective.

• Never-before-released recordings of five extraordinary young pianists are included on an accompanying CD

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