Notable Moments of Women in Music
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Notable Moments of Women in Music

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Cena: 1.966,80 RSD
2.360,16 RSD
Vaša ušteda: 393,36 RSD

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Pioneering, gutsy, innovative, and inspiring are some characteristics of women who have shaped modern popular music. In this book, Jay Warner traces the evolution of these women, from the stages of vaudeville and the blues saloons of the South to the whirlwind of Woodstock and the star factory of American Idol. They\'re all here -- the glamorous torchers, hit paraders, rock rebels, protest singer, and pop divas. Both a celebration and a resource, this rich volume gathers and threads together the countless contributions made by such artists as Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Judy Garland, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, Pat Benatar, Chrissie Hynde, Madonna, Whitney Houston, the Dixie Chicks, Gwen Stefani, Alicia Keys and others. In a decade-by-decade format, Notable Moments of Women in Music clearly illustrates the story of these stars - how they influenced music, culture, and each other.

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